We surround ourselves with excellent professionals and specialized external laboratories.

Our mission: to inspect, restore, minimize, contact, modify, report and comply.

Más de 25 años de experiencia en el sector del Comisariado de Averías.

Nos rodeamos de excelentes profesionales y laboratorios externos especializados.

Nuestra misión: inspeccionar, recuperar, minimizar, contactar, no modificar, notificar y cumplir.

With over 25 years experience in the sector.


Surveyors Marítimos, SL (Survemar) was born in January 2009 with the aim of serving as a Marine & Cargo surveyor, locating its headquarters in the city of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, but with scope to all the Canary Islands.

Since its creation has a qualified and trained personnel with extensive knowledge, gained after 25 years of experience in the sector.

Survemar, specializes in expert investigations and inspection of damage, discharge controls, accidents and casualties to all types of vessels and goods in general and the realization of the corresponding expert report to be issued as soon as possible after obtaining all data needed to prepare it, always specifying why, how, when and where it happened, the fact and taking into account where our mission is to inspect, restore, minimize, contact, modify, report and comply.

We are always surrounded by excellent professionals as employees, depending on the nature of the action that it was necessary at all times, along with Naval Engineers, Captains of the Merchant Marine, Veterinarians, Lawyers, Mechanics or experts specializing in different subjects, as well as Laboratory externals specialists who can testify at all times the specific circumstances of each performance and thus be able to include them in our report.


Colegiate Member No. 5883 APCAS (Appraisers Association of insurance and Commissioners of Shooting)